Project Funding Resources
By Gary Ferrington

If you are seeking financial support for a film, video,or media project, this set of resources will help you in your search. A good reference site is the The Foundation Center. This is a clearinghouse of information on foundations giving you the who, what, where, when and how of writing a grant proposal.

Article: The ABC's of No-Budget Filmmaking. Instead of spending years raising money from film companies, nonprofit sources, and dentists, the filmmakers who share their budgets with reader made their films utilizing the limited resources they could easily and quickly put together.

Article: Learning from Low Budgets.What values can be learned from the independent and low budget film making of the late 1990's?

Canadian Media Grants. The online Multimediator publication provides an extensive list of funding sources for Canadian readers interested in project development.

Creative Capital."...a New York City-based nonprofit organization, acts as a catalyst for the development of adventurous and imaginative ideas by supporting artists who pursue innovation in form and/or content in the performing and visual arts, film and video, and in emerging fields. We are committed to working in partnership with the artists whom we fund, providing advisory services and professional development assistance along with multi-faceted financial aid and promotional support throughout the life of each Creative Capital project."

Film Arts Foundation Grants. "Created in 1984, the goal of the Film Arts Foundation Grants Program is to encourage new and diverse works by film and video artists who have little likelihood of being supported through traditional funding sources. These awards are targeted for film and videomakers in categories that are among the most difficult areas in which to raise money for media projects".

The Funding Center at Michigan State University is a focal point for finding out information about foundations, grants, and related information. Provides extensive list of foundations and other funding sources for media projects Including.

Grants for Individuals - Film & Video

Grants for Individuals - Arts

Grants for Individuals - Communication