Project Funding
By Gary Ferrington

From time to time we list funding sources for film, video, multimedia, and digtial art. Please see these two recent Proscenia Newsletter feature articles, Project Funding and Creative Commons , for more information.


Grants for media artists. An interview with Morrie Warshawski, one of the nation's leading arts consultants, about the first steps in the search for free money.

How to Fund Your Film: Part 1 and Part 2. By Robert C. DiGregorio, Jr. imageMATTE, Executive Producer. Explores the securing of industry funding for film and video production.


Bay Area Video Colation Grants. The Mediamaker Award is a BAVC grant that offers $3500 worth of services and classes for media projects in the postproduction phase.

Creative Capital.A national nonprofit organization that supports artists pursuing innovative approaches to form and content in film/video, performing and visual arts, and in emerging arts fields. Emerging fields may include computer-based artwork, new media, interactive installations and interdisciplinary projects.

Eyebeam. An artist in Residence (AIR) Program is a multidisciplinary initiative that supports the development, creation and presentation of outstanding new works of art made with digital tools. Two artists slected each year.

MacArtuhur Foundation. The primary focus of funding is independent documentary film. The Foundation usually supports films and programming that address subject matter close to MacArthur's grantmaking strategies; but also it occasionally supports projects on other subjects of overall relevance to the Foundation's mission

The Interactive Technology Project. This group offers a laboratory-like setting for the development of interactive computer environments, installations and instruments that foster new modes of perception and performance. National and international artists are invited to submit proposals for the creation of a new work of art that incorporates interactive technologies into the concept, design and presentation.

Jerome Foundation. Provides a production grant program for individual media artists. This program primarily serves film and video artists producing work in all genres; however, it welcomes other forms such as film/video installations, on-line projects and interactive media.

National Video Resources (NVR) - A not-for-profit organization established in 1990 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Their goal is to assist in increasing the public's awareness of and access to independently produced media & film and video as well as motion media delivered through the new digital technologies.

Media Artists Program. The Program for Media Artists encompasses a range of activities designed to encourage the production, distribution and exhibition of independent media in all forms. The cornerstone of the Program’s activities is the Media Arts Fellowships, which support the creation of new works that bring innovation to the media arts. Artists who receive Fellowships are encouraged to redefine, invent, explore, create and recreate visions and stories that reflect our diverse culture. The site has a Reource Guide that provides resources and links to help media makers find information about funding and services. These organizations serve a wide geographic range in the United States. The International Resources section provides information about opportunities for non-U.S. makers.

Pacific Pioneer Fund.This organization offers support to emerging documentary filmmakers in CA, OR, WA. From $1,000-10,000.